Precision Engineered Air Control Equipment

01706 227018


Regular Konvekta customers and WWTW specialist, Air-Water Treatments Ltd (AWT), came to us for a solution to replace and upgrade Heavy-Duty Dampers at a Wastewater Treatment Works. They had a need for a number of K500-X-M External Gear PVC Volume Control Dampers fitted with Heavy Duty manual quadrant handles.
They also requested the addition of two layers of GRP to the external surfaces to counter the potential weathering effects experienced at the exposed location.

Konvekta K500-X-M External Gear PVC Volume Control Dampers fitted with Heavy Duty manual quadrant handles and GRP coating

A further bespoke specification tweak was incorporated to meet the specific challenge of allowing AWT to site drill the flanges and cut the spigot ends to perfectly match up with the existing equipment configuration.

We were happy to oblige.

#konvekta #aircontrol #K500-X-M #heavyduty #WWTW #volumecontroldampers #quality #performance #UKmanufacturing #bespoke #since1981

P.S You may notice the CASWELL FIRESAFE® fire resisting ductwork – manufactured by one of our Caswell Group companies – sneaking into the background on one shot.

Konvekta K500-X-M External Gear PVC Volume Control Dampers fitted with Heavy Duty manual quadrant handles and GRP coating Konvekta K500-X-M External Gear PVC Volume Control Dampers fitted with Heavy Duty manual quadrant handles and GRP coating